Saturday, February 20, 2016

Jarrett House Pie

Jarrett House Pie. I never heard of it before. I  was asking my residents, at the skilled care unit where I work, what recipes they would like me to bake/cook during our baking/cooking club? One gentleman requested Vinegar Pie, Jarrett House Vinegar Pie to be exact and he gave me the recipe.
After researching the story behind the pie, I found out it is another Depression era recipe. I had done a boiled raisin spice cake a while ago based on another resident's recommendation. Now I have another gem of a recipe.
Of course, the fact that this recipe's origins are from the South only makes it more charming and appealing to my Southern sensibilities. It comes from Jarrett House, an inn in North Carolina and was made as an alternative to lemon pie when lemons were not in season. Don't let the name vinegar pie turn you off. Try it!
This is a slight change from my resident's recipe. When I tried to bake it at 300 degree instead of 375 it was not baking properly. And I substituted butter for the margarine he had in his recipe.

Jarrett House Vinegar Pie

1 stick butter, melted and cooled
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 T flour
1 T vanilla
2 T apple cider vinegar
3 eggs
1  9in unbaked pie shell

Combine the six ingredients. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake at 375 for 45-50 min.

Pie before putting in oven.

Pie after baking.

Serve at room temperature. And with a smile.

PS Don't tell them there is vinegar in it until they decide whether they like it or not. Just call it Jarrett House Pie. The vinegar can be your little secret!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My hens are laying eggs again!


After a 2 month break from producing eggs, my hens are back at it! So nice. I no longer have to buy them from the store like I've had to since Christmas. Maybe they were protesting the chilly winter weather or perhaps their less than 5 star accommodations (I thought it was a decent hen house...maybe we need to weatherproof it a bit more...) , regardless, I am glad they are supplying us with delicious eggs again.

The hens enjoying breakfast on a snowy blizzard day.

Our Wyandotte retreating into the hen house during blizzard.
The hens back when it was warm out and they were still producing happily.
One of my Easter Egger's blue eggs from back in the fall.
Grateful for fresh eggs again!